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Ukrainian Armed Forces have staff shortage at front, enemy outnumbers us 7-10 times - Joint Forces Commander Sodol

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have a staff shortage at the front, while the Russian army has a 7-10 times advantage. This was stated by the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Sodol in the Verkhovna Rada before the vote for the law on strengthening mobilization, Censor.NET reports citing DW.

"The enemy outnumbers us 7-10 times, and we are short of personnel. In some departments we have only two, in some - three or four people, while according to the statutes there should have been 8-10. According to the tactical standards, this department is guaranteed to defend 100 meters of the front. If there are two people, they can defend 20 meters of the front," the general said.

According to the JF commander, this situation leads to the fact that a brigade that should defend up to 15 kilometers of the front, with such a staffing, can only hold five kilometers, and sometimes even less.

"So instead of one brigade, we are forced to deploy three. And these two brigades could be in the rear zone, where the personnel could rest, be re-staffed, receive weapons, undergo normal training to replace that brigade or create a strike group. That is why I am asking you to adopt this law - we really need it. We are holding the defense with our last strength," Sodol said.


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