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Втрати ворога 240907
Втрати ворога 240907
Втрати ворога 240907
NGO "Open Media of Ukraine" - a community of independent bloggers and journalists who want to develop an independent press in Ukraine. The co-founders include volunteers, bloggers, defenders of Ukraine and lawyers. Various authors, bloggers, independent journalists and groups of like-minded people are invited to join the community, to authorship .
There is only one condition for the entry of authors: love Ukraine, protect Ukraine, promote Ukraine. No separatism, collaborationism, supporters of the ideas of the Soviet Union or pro-Russian figures. We believe that Ukraine is united and indivisible.
We invite authors and bloggers to cooperate, provided they meet the requirements.
лого информагентсво укр мін
лого информагентсво укр мін
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