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NGO "Open Media of Ukraine"  -  a community of independent bloggers and journalists who want to develop an independent press in Ukraine. The co-founders include volunteers, bloggers, defenders of Ukraine and lawyers. Various authors, bloggers, independent journalists and groups of like-minded people are invited to join the community, to authorship .


There is only one condition for the entry of authors: love Ukraine, protect Ukraine, promote Ukraine. No separatism, collaborationism, supporters of the ideas of the Soviet Union or pro-Russian figures. We believe that Ukraine is united and indivisible.

We invite authors and bloggers to cooperate, provided they meet the requirements.

The site was created with the support of:

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The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of OMU and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union or BST.

The editors of the site may not agree with the opinion of the author.

The author bears all responsibility for the material/video/article.

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© 2021 Open media of Ukraine

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