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Ukraine joins the CDA programme to create new jobs and boost GDP

Фото: Михайло Федоров

Ukraine is joining the Cisco Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) programme.

This was announced by Mykhaylo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation. Informs Mind.

It is noted that the international programme is already active in 48 countries. It aims to help create new jobs, raise GDP levels and use more innovations in the public and private sectors.

As part of the programme, the government will work on Ukraine's innovation strategy and develop the Diia.Education platform and other educational and digital projects.

At the same time, Cisco will provide access to IT content and the Cisco Talent Bridge Matching Engine tool, which helps HR professionals find specialists. Moreover, as part of the Digital Schools project, Cisco will gift educational institutions with 1,600 devices with Wi-Fi access points and 1,000 webcams.


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