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"'Technological disruption': what is known about the explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad

The explosion at the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant in Sergiev Posad, Russia, occurred at 10:45 a.m. Moscow time in a 1,600-square-meter hangar where pyrotechnic products were stored. The hangar was reportedly rented by a private company. Informs Mind.

The cause of the explosion, according to the Moscow region authorities, was a violation of technological processes. Investigators and forensic experts were sent to the scene.

As a result of the powerful explosion, glass was smashed in residential buildings in different parts of the city, and social facilities were damaged.

It became known that the explosion occurred at the Piro-Ros enterprise located on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant. Earlier it was reported that a 1600 square meter pyrotechnics warehouse rented by a private company exploded.

The Piro-Ros plant produces products for both military and civilian use, including, among other things, thermal imagers, binoculars, optical sights, equipment for spy satellites, and so on.

Although Russian news sources claim that the explosion occurred in a pyrotechnics hangar rented by a "private company," a message posted on the Piro-Ros website shows that it was founded in 1994 by four defense companies.

The explosion destroyed part of the production facilities of the optical and mechanical plant. A total evacuation was announced from all buildings and workshops of the enterprise. The fire that broke out at the site of the explosion has been localized, and work is underway to clear the rubble.

In addition, glass was smashed in the Luch sports complex and surrounding buildings – 20 residential high-rise buildings, two schools and a college.

The boiler house that supplied hot water to the surrounding areas was also destroyed.

Russian authorities have not confirmed the information that the explosion could have been caused by a drone strike. According to investigators, the incident was caused by a process violation. The criminal case is being investigated under the article on violation of industrial safety requirements.


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