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Russia interested in widening conflict in Middle East — Zelenskyy

Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo:REUTERS/Juan Medina)

Moscow is convinced its interest would be served by further instigating conflict in the Middle East, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his evening address on Oct. 9. Informs NV.

The president added he was briefed on the volatile situation in Israel and the Middle East in general by Ukraine’s diplomats and intelligence services.

Zelenskyy said Kyiv has “very clear” intelligence reports that suggest Moscow is actively working to destabilize the region.

“We see Russian propagandists gleefully stoking the flames,” the president said.

“We see Moscow's Iranian allies openly backing those who are attacking Israel. All this poses a far greater threat than the world currently perceives. Past world wars have been sparked by local conflicts.”

More than 700 people have been killed in Israel, including two Ukrainians. Over 100 have been taken hostage by Palestinian militants, and video evidence shows some of them have been murdered.

In response to the Hamas attack, the Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Swords of Iron, striking the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s Cabinet declared a state of war for the first time since 1973, and the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has warned that the war would be long and challenging.


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